The uncommercial Partnership Publishing House Medicine and Enlightenment

Non-profit Partnership "Publishing House "Medicine and Education" is registered in Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation December 18, 2002. Created on the initiative of the governor of Kemerovo areas for organizing professional work of their own competitive periodicals scientific medical publications effectively participating in modernization and development healthcare in Kuzbass, in the Siberian Federal District, in the Russian Federation.

Head of the organization:
Alexander Kovalenko, director.

The Partnership is the uncommercial organization without aim of profit. However, it can carry out entrepreneurial activity, because it’s for the aims it was founded. The entrepreneurial activity realized by the Partnership for facilitation of the main objectives can include publishing activity for other branches of knowledge and national economy, advertising and other commercial activity.

The objects (types) of activity of the Partnership are:
- publication of the print journals Medicine in Kuzbass, Mother and Baby in Kuzbass, distribution of the electronic versions of these journals over the Internet;
- distribution and practical implementation of scientific achievements using publications, video, radio, TV etc.
- promotion and assistance in rendering of high quality (qualified) medical services for population; promotion and assistance in healthy lifestyle, education, enlightenment, upbringing, environmental protection; - realization of investigational, scientific, sociologic, survey projects, works and inquiries in social sphere.

The uncommercial Partnership Publishing House Medicine and Enlightenment in cooperation with the medical organizations of Kemerovo region produces the following scientific journals:

Журнал «Медицина в Кузбассе»

Medicine in Kuzbass

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Журнал «Мать и Дитя в Кузбассе»

Mother and Baby in Kuzbass

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